Body politics - Power knowledge and the body in the social sciences
edited by Martin Terre Blanche, Kum-Kum Bhavnani & Derek Hook
published by Histories of the Present Press

Table of Contents


Section one: Body building in the late twentieth century

Edited by Alex Butchart, James Sey & Neil Lightfoot

1 Body building in the late twentieth century - an introduction.
Alex Butchart, James Sey & Martin Terre Blanche

2 Gifts of the body: Women's corporeal practices between norms and transgression .
Dagmar Lorenz-Meyer

3 Manifestations of the Body in Early German Social Policy: The German 'Bund fuer Mutterschutz' 1905-1916.
Regine Heidenreich

4 Windsurfing women, tacking upwind in male infested waters.
Val Woodward

5 Black bodies, white gaze: Western medicine and the African in South Africa.
Alex Butchart

6 Crowds in space.
Kevin Durrheim and Vaughan Dutton

7 Forms of violence in technospace.
James Sey

8 Arriving in gender-fuck drag squirming with queer exhibitionistic anticipation as Eddie prepares to pierce my foreskin.
Vasili Kapetanakis alias Dame Collonica Drek

9 "If the Glove Does Not Fit"... O.J. Simpson and the US Imaginary.
Kum-Kum Bhavnani

10 The headmaster's study.
Kevin Kelly and Susan Sedumedi

Section two: Suffering bodies - moral orthopaedics of the body and soul

Edited by Bronwyn Harris, Derek Hook & Claudia Landsman

11 Moral orthopaedics of the body and soul - an introduction.
Derek Hook, Bronwyn Harris & Claudia Landsman

12 Story-telling and the socialization of rural pre-school children in times of social change.
Mary van der Riet

13 "What is the risk of the wife getting AIDS?": psychological regimes of body regulation in talk about HIV/AIDS and monogamy-rules in advice columns.
Lindy Wilbraham

14 'Healing the Nation': The Symbolic Function(ing)s of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Simon Stacey

15 Dialogical space, differance, and desire: conversations on the margins.
Andrew Favell

16 Controlling dangerous bodies: the dilemma faced by women at genetic risk of breast or ovarian cancer.
Nina Hallowell

17 Surplus Women, Sharp Agents: Anorexia as Resistance?
Sharon Fuller

Section three Bodies of knowledge

Edited by Vasi van Deventer, Kenneth Wilson & Johan Kruger

18 Bodies of knowledge - an introduction.
Vasi van Deventer, Kenneth Wilson & Johan Kruger

19 The politic of the body (in the motion of the ocean).
Vasi van Deventer

20 Bodies of knowledge: processes of learning.
Gudrun Kober

21 Description versus interpretation? - Phenomenology and hermeneutics as competing sense-making strategies in psychological research.
Gavin Ivey

22 The hermeneutics of distanciation in programme evaluation.
Kevin Kelly

23 Discourses, contexts and diachronic analysis: Exploring Margaret Thatcher's speeches on the Falklands/Malvinas conflict.
Mark Levine

24 Unrepresentables.
James Sey & Derek Hook (Images by Kathryn Smith)

25 Subtitle: Vile Retentions.
Moshekwa Langa

Guerilla Publishing - Histories of the Present Press