This page is a clearinghouse for information on critical initiatives in South African and international psychology. For more information or to add material to the page, please contact Anthony Collins at [email protected]. Links to critical psychology around the worldMarxism links Certificate course in critical psychology Test your IQ |
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The best place to find links to critical psychology is at the Critical Psychology Web Ring (coose the "list sites" option from the drop-down menu). Also be sure to check out the Radical Psychology home page and the Radical Psychology Online Journal. Among many other interesting articles in the first issue, there is one by Ian Parker on "Critical Psychology: Critical links".
Looking for something in Marx or Engels' writings? Go to the very comprehensive,
text archive.
The archive is part of the English Server at Carnegie Mellon University,
which amongst many other wonderful goodies hosts the online journals
"Bad Subjects" (there's
an upcoming issue on Karl Marx in the 21st Century) and
"Cultural Logic"
(Marxist theory and practice in late-capitalism).
Details on the Marxism and Psychology Listserv to follow.
This web-based course is currently being developed by Derek Hook (Wits) and Martin Terre Blanche (Unisa), with Anthony Collins (UNP) likely to become involved. Watch this space. Internationally, we know of two institutions that offer postgraduate courses in critical psychology - the Psychology Department at Bolton in the UK and the Centre for Critical Psychology in Sydney.