Critical Methods Society
Guerilla Publishing
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For many, academic publication still means getting an article into a peer-reviewed journal or having your PhD published in book form by a 'respectable' publishing house. New technologies, the demands of the post-modern market economy and the rise of various forms of action research have changed all this. This page is dedicated to exploring old and new forms of academic publication together with the political constraints and opportunities that go with them.

How to get an ISBN number

  Publication Initiatives
Histories of the Present Press
Burn a Good Book Campaign

Body Politics
Research in Practice
From Method to Madness CD

New Therapist

Psychology in Society

Founded and still edited by Grahame Hayes ([email protected]), PINS has for many years been an alternative publication venue for South African social scientists. It is completely independent and not a project of the open methods collective, but several individuals involved with the collective have also contributed to or helped edit PINS. Anthony Collins has set up a Pins web site at University of Natal Durban.

How to get an ISBN number

Putting together a volume of conference proceedings, research report or self-published book? If you're in South Africa get an ISBN number (makes the whole thing look more official doesn't it?) simply by phoning the state library in Pretoria (012-3218931). They'll want to know the authors, title and publisher and give you the number over the phone. There are similar arrangements in other countries.

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