Links and portals

Ours is - obviously - not the only attempt at bringing together resources on collaborative learning environments. Here are some others:

Collaborative learning specific resources

Resources about e-learning (often but not necessarily collaborative)

  • Online Learning Daily, edited by Stephen Downes, often contains material on collaborative learning and learning objects. In addition his very frequently updated edu-RSS lists new postings on other sites related to e-learning.
  • The e-Learning Centre is a long running UK portal founded in 1994 by Jane Night with stacks of articles, software reviews and events.
  • Brian Lamb is the "Learning Object Discoordinator" at the University of British Columbia and maintains a weblog called Object Learning on "reusable media, weblogs, and lots of fuzzy stuff nearby..."
  • D'Arcy Norman's Learning Commons Weblog contains interesting tid-bits on e-learning related topics.
  • elearnspace is a portal site developed by George Siemens with many useful articles and other materials grouped under "starting", "enabling", "doing", "evaluating", "managing" and "resources".
  • is a large e-learning portal run by San Diego State University. Among other things they have a fair number of links to other e-learning resources.
  • elearningpost is a regular on-line newsletter on "Corporate Learning, Community Building, Instructional Design, Knowledge Management, and more"
  • elearningeuropa is a portal for e-learning developments in Europe.
  • EDNA (Education Network Australia) has a strong focus on e-learning.
  • Seul/Edu Educational Application Index lists and describes hundreds of open-source educational software packages.
  • The Encyclopedia of Educational Technology (EET) is "a collection of short multimedia articles on a variety of topics related to the fields of instructional design and education and training." There is unfortunately no over-arching structure (articles are alphabetically organised) and articles varies vary in quality, but no doubt there are some gems to be found.
  • Theory and Practice of Online Learning (2003) is a free (pdf format) book (but there is an html content page online) on all aspects of online learning. Watch out for chapter 9 though, which presents a restrictive view on intellectual property issues (contrary to most of the sources listed in the copyright and open access section in the book you're currently reading).
  • The elearnopedia contains links to all things e-learning.
  • The Educational Software Directory lists lots of sites of e-learning software companies.
  • cetis (centre for educational technology interoperability standards) "represents UK higher-education and further-education institutions on international learning technology standards initiatives" - sounds boring, but actually contains many useful resources. Also, it provides some good introductions to the issue of standards in e-learning.
  • Ray Schroeder's Online Learning Update contains daily links to and short descriptions of online learning related items.

Resources about collaborative work

  • Collaborative Work Environments is a very comprehensive listing of groupware, web collaboration software, web collaboration environments and the like.
  • Launched in December 2003, Kolabora brings together experts and users of collaboration software.


Collaborative learning environments sourcebook

Links and portals
    Classic texts
    Journals and magazines